Thursday, January 28, 2010

Epic fail, chapter five

Hi, Jest here.

Ever wondered how I really fail at life? Ok i will give you a rough schedule

6.00am : wake up, hit my head against the wall, swear loudly and wake the whole family up

6.05am : get scolded for 5 minutes
6.10am : change, wear shirt back to front and change it back again.
6.30am : eat breakfast, trip on doormat along the way.
6.50am : get into car and maybe slip on a stray banana peel.
7.00am : go to school, maybe puke out breakfast.
7.23am : at school( finally!!) rush to school.
7.25am : run to the parade square and die there.
7.25am : ( at exactly the same time) respawn and run up stairs again.
7.26am : realise that I didnt bring my badge.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Epic fail, chapter four- rant on video games.

Jest here.

Reading about mango soup from a certain classified alien, I got bored and wrote this post.

Ever played some games that don't make any sense?

Halo is a good example that makes no sense. First of all, ERSB seem to have the brain approximately a bit bigger than a grain of rice. Halo is a is clean enough to be a 10 yrs old game. And what rating did it get? M18. Anyway, the game is reather weird, killing the covenant, activate halo, and ? kill more covenant, activate halo again and? Hopefully you get my point.

Another great example is DOTA.
It isn't even a real game! Its just a game variant that was developed with the Warcraft program and somehow got popular amongst many, even adults! To the warcraft gamers, it is a professional idea, developed out of great creativity, and is worth their time.

To me , however, I just don't see the point in defending the ancients for 6 hours straight.

Tower defence ( in my opinion) the worst type of game.This is a rough overview on how it is played:

1st hour : Build your towers
2nd hour : clear the first wave
3rd hour : build more towers
4th hour : clear the second wave
5th hour : clear the third wave
6th hour : upgrade your towers
7th hour : attempt to clear the fourth wave but failed.
8th hour : cry
9th hour : restart the game.

See what I mean? I don't find joy in building towers to kill your enemies and get killed anyway.

Another thing I really hate is to play facebook games.
Facebook is a social platform for the user to make friends, NOT FOR PLAYING GAMES!!!
All the games barely register as games. To me, they are just bits of code lying there waiting for you to interact with it.
Mousehunt it is a good example of bits of code lying there. Basically , you use your mouse to click on the bit of code the developers call "a horn", which then plays the only animation in the game. You then 'catch' a mouse ( if you are lucky, you unlock a new JPEG file!). You then stare at the screen for another 15 minutes till the piece of code unearth itself from the other bits of code. And guess what? people actually use real money to buy codes!!( or superbire+) and the developers just lay back, sniggering at getting rich from people spending money from buying codes.

So thats it for today. Good night people.

Jest, signing out.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Epic fail, chapter three

Dear blog.

sorry, lets start again.

Hey blog.
Jest here.

Another request for a post on hobbies.

Some like to read, others like to fish. For me, I like to draw.

For the aliens from Mars. The technique drawing consist of the tool known to earthlings as a 'pencil', and a medium known as 'paper'. To draw, the earthling puts his hand around the 'pencil' put the 'pencil' over the 'paper', apply pressure and move the 'pencil'. This creates a trail of carbon on the 'paper' earthlings call as a 'line'. Earthlings then make more trails of carbon with the 'pencil' to create an a jumble of carbon earthlings call a 'picture.' An earthling might also use a 'pencil' with carbon dyed to a certain colour to "colour" the 'picture.'

For those who are earthlings, some might wonder ' whats the point of drawing when I can use a camera*? Well, if there was a camera in Leonardo Da Vinci's time and he was lazy, the snapshot of Mona Lisa might have been worth slightly more than 30 cents. "but there are some pictures that are worth almost a thousand dollars!" you might say.

The Mona Lisa is hand drawn , isn't it? And it cost more than a million dollars.
A good picture when left to age, would turn into a lot of money. Wheras a good snapshot when left to age would turn into dust.
Although I might not earn millions of dollars, I will still cherish all my time with my paper, and leave carbon paper on it.

Jest, signing out

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Epic fail, chapter two.

Hi, this is Jest.
Recently, someone has asked me to post a post on food. so here's one.

It all began last night. I thought "food. What does that mean?" So I went to check the dictionary. However, when I reached to the dictionary, another question arisen" How the heck do you spell 'food?' ( it is really hard to think about a single thing with at least 5 different entities in your head.) Around an eternity later, the entites finally agreed that it started with the letter 'f'.( surprise surprise!). After stopping to check Jest's favourite 4 letter word, I found out what food mean . Here is the entry:

n. pl. feet (ft)
1. The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.
2. A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk.

Though I realised that I was reading the wrong entry, I gave up as I would probably be celebrating 2013 before I even find this elusive word.
Thankfully, the later parts of the day managed to yield something.

A strong, sweet scent wafted into the air and tempted me to follow it. I got up , and went to the kitchen, and guess what greeted me? RED BEAN SOUP! Yes, many future saplings has had their life unwillingly sacrificed for this supposed delicacy. Offsprings of my friend) were cruelly smashed, grounded, crushed, boiled and served in a dainty, china bowl as though in a bid to humiliate the already humiliated beans. The poor beans seemed to cry in agony and pain. Tears rolled down my cheeks like raindrops down a window.

After crying for another ten seconds, I sat down , drained the whole lot and asked for seconds.

Somehow, I feel that there is someone laughing at my dumbness .

Signing out.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Epic fail, chapter one

hi i am a person the end.

what ? you want more?

ok i am a person from earth.

Ok fine im a person from earth who is still in school, failing at almost everything (including break time). I have a few odd people and a red bean plant for a friend and a chicken sandwich for lunch. i wear pants .

I watch prawn and have a facebook account. If you want to 'add' me , just go type "Barack Obama" at the search column. Yea, I have even put my face there.( thus facebook).
I have a few friends and enemys, I mean enemies. If you can get a list and write down the number of enemies i have, then please stop right now . I do not want to spend money on your medical fees and have no intention to do so anyway .

Thank you for spending time with me

Jest, signing out.